  • [금융법] 자금세탁을 막는 구조강화와 금융테러방지책(영문)
    for fighting money laundering is to enable law enforcement authorities to confiscate the proceeds of predicate criminal activities. So, effective anti-money laundering has 4 conditions. First, it imposes a number of obligations on financial institutions. Second, it requires harmonization efforts in substantive criminal law. Third, it has to give criminal justice a new important
    2009-05-14 | 1,400원 | 16p | of to and in is that on as for money   [금융법] 자금세탁을 막는 구조강화와 금융테러방지책(영문)
  • [국제기구] IMF(영문)
    in 1955. 1.What is the International Monetary Fund? The International Monetary Fund—also known as the “IMF” or the “Fund”—was conceived at a United Nations conference convened in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, U.S. in July 1944. The 45 governments represented at that conference sought to build a framework for economic cooperation that would avoid a repetition of the disast
    2008-10-10 | 2,600원 | 31p | of and to IMF in The is on the are   [국제기구] IMF(영문)
  • Doing Business in Norway
    Chapter4. Economy The economy of Norway is a developed mixed economy. Norway is the twenty second highest GDP in 2013 but the third highest GDP per-capita in the world. A country maintained the world’s first place in the Human Development Index (2001-2006) and has done it since 2009. The Gini’s coefficient is just 0.23. It means the gap between the rich and the poor is very small. The tradit
    2018-05-09 | 2,800원 | 23p | 국제가격전략글로벌가격전략의의의와특성국제가격의결정방법덤핑가격국제이전가격의결정전략   Doing Business in Norway
  • 일본의 화장품시장 분석 및 진출 방안 연구(영문)
    I. Environment Analysis Introduction Lately, South Korea's cosmetic companies are actively entering Japanese market. In particular, low-priced brand companies entering are remarkable. Continuing the long-term recession, Japanese consumers find inexpensive cosmetics. Through this period, cosmetics of South Korea draw popular through low price and good quality. Celebrity publicity is also inf
    2012-09-20 | 3,400원 | 57p | 진출 화장품시장 분석 연구 일본   일본의 화장품시장 분석 및 진출 방안 연구(영문)
  • [행정학] 장애인 고용정책 평가(영문)
    1) The actual condition of prior entry discrimination in labor market With the prior entry discrimination in labor market, there are trends that disabled people are recognized as the different people by social structural problem. That's why disabled people are distinguished from the main stream and they are likely to be seen inferior than common people. According to , the attitud
    2011-11-21 | 1,400원 | 14p | 고용정책 장애인 장애 고용 정책   [행정학] 장애인 고용정책 평가(영문)
  • [국제경영] 핀란드 시장조사-경제, 사회, 문화(영문)
    In response to the climate, farmers have relied on quick-ripening and frost-resistant varieties of crops, and they have cultivated south-facing slopes as well as richer bottomlands to ensure production even in years with summer frosts. Most farmland had originally been either forest or swamp, and the soil had usually required treatment with lime and years of cultivation to neutralise excess acid
    2011-09-09 | 2,800원 | 37p | 국제경영 시장조사 핀란드 경영 문화   [국제경영] 핀란드 시장조사-경제, 사회, 문화(영문)
  • 멕시코 국가 조사(영문)
    3.2.The first product (2007 - present) 3.2.1.Main article: Mastretta MXT Mastretta (est. 1989) first announced production of their MXT through Automóvil Panamericano magazine in May 2007. Even though up to a year will have passed, September 2008 will see the production version of the first ever fully Mexican designed and engineered serial-produced sports car, the Mastretta MXT, an automo
    2011-03-01 | 2,800원 | 52p | 멕시코 국가 영문 조사   멕시코 국가 조사(영문)
  • [영문학, 매슈 아놀드] 매슈 아놀드의 비평 해설
    종교적 저술은 다음과 같다. 말년에 아널드는 그의 평생의 지속적인 관심거리이고 진정한 핵심을 이루는 종교 문제를 다루어 〈성 바울로와 신교 St. Paul and Protestantism〉(1870)․〈문학과 독단 Literature and Dogma〉(1873)․〈하느님과 성서 God and the Bible〉(1875)․〈교회와 종교 Last Essays on Church and Relig
    2009-10-24 | 10,000원 | 250p | 영문학 매슈 아놀드 빅토리아 culture and anarchy matthew arnold   [영문학, 매슈 아놀드] 매슈 아놀드의 비평 해설
  • [국제커뮤니케이션] `싱가포르 언론이 말하는 한국의 모습`에 대한 연구
    in Singapore, currently owned by the Singapore Press Holdings (SPH). - was established on July 15, 1845, during British colonial rule -the country's highest-selling paper in any language, with a daily circulation of 388,500 in August 2006. As of 2008, it has an estimated readership of 1.23 million. - publishes two other English-language dailies - the broadsheet Business Times and The New Pap
    2009-09-03 | 2,400원 | 27p | the of to and in is for as a are   [국제커뮤니케이션] `싱가포르 언론이 말하는 한국의 모습`에 대한 연구
  • [토익] 토익 기출 단어 어휘 완전정복
    2. 예문과 함께 보는 필수 200 어휘 TOEIC VOCABULARY (1) launch : (사업 등을 ) 시작. 착수하다 She is launched on a new business. (그녀는 새로운 사업에 착수하고 있었다.) (2) merge : 합병하다. 합체시키다. The two companies were merged in the new company. (이 둥 회사는 합동하여 새 회사를 만들었다.) (3) takeover : 인수 I j
    2006-12-19 | 1,000원 | 42p | 토익어휘 토익 토익단어   [토익] 토익 기출 단어 어휘 완전정복
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